Gradius Deluxe Pack #BestOfSaturn

An early 1996 Japan-only release, Konami’s Gradius Deluxe Pack features straight conversions of the mid-1980s arcade classics Gradius and Gradius 2.

In these side-scrolling shmups, you take control of the Vic Viper and blast your way through multiple levels collecting powerups left behind by enemies to be able to select which ship upgrade/power you want.

Tough and decidedly 1980s-looking, these games were nevertheless hugely popular and responsible for spawning many sequels and spinoffs, such as the Parodius and Salamander series. Shmup lover? Right this way, please…

About the author

Peter Malek

A Saturn fan since the beginning, Peter plays Saturn almost exclusively. For Peter, Saturn represents a moment in time where 2D games were at their best, 3D was just rising, and fascinating gaming 'firsts' were commonplace.  There are very few Saturn games that Peter cannot find some enjoyment in!

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