SEGA Powered – A New SEGA Magazine Kickstarter Project!

Just this week, a Kickstarter project went up announcing a new SEGA Magazine in the works, titled SEGA Powered, a clever nod to the Saturn Power magazine.

The magazine has one clear target: Covering all things SEGA, from back in the day, all the way to their latest releases.

SEGA Powered’s team is also full of some very insightful and classic writers, with Dean Mortlock (Behind SEGA Power) as the editor of the magazine.

The team has some heavy hitting staff from not only back in the day, but more contemporary publications as well!
There’s a lot of great history and power behind this magazine!

The Kickstarter itself is advertising the magazine as monthly issues, containing at least 80 pages worth of content per issue. If you would like to see a small sample the magazine for yourself, you can check out this 16 page sampler put out by the team here.

Currently, pledge tiers range from £3 for a digital copy of issue 1, all the way to £80 for a MEGA bundle that includes issues 1-12 of the magazine, a monthly news letter, Mini Genesis cartridge with the SEGA Powered logo on it, post cards, and much more!

Some of the cool swag you get as you pledge a higher amount.

While there are inherent risks to Kickstarter projects in themselves, this one looks pretty solid, and seems to have all their ducks in a row, with issue 1 releasing (If successful) next month!

The Kickstarter is currently at $6,962 as of this article being written, but is expected to meet and surpass this goal in a couple of days. (EDIT: They did indeed reach and exceed their goal!) Currently, you have a couple more weeks to back the project, and get in on all the bonus content and deals before the project finishes.

On a side note, people have been wondering and asking about our thoughts on the Kickstarter project, especially since we put out an announcement for our own SHIRO! Magazine last week. Well frankly, we are super excited for SEGA Powered! We aren’t really considering SHIRO! Magazine in any way a competitor to SEGA Powered, and you shouldn’t either. There’s more than enough room for both Magazines, and we think you should support both if you are financially able to!

Look forward to more info on both SEGA Powered and SHIRO! Magazine in the coming days!

About the author


Patrick, AKA TraynoCo is a co-founder of Sega Saturn Shiro. Patrick has a passion for Saturn projects such as homebrew and fan translations. Putting a spotlight on them in both podcast and video forms, trying to bring more attention to the ever growing Saturn homebrew scene.

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